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a home for next steps

the basics of faith



"I have come that they may have life, and life to the fullest."

John I0:I0


God is real.  He sees you and knows you.  He wants you to know Him.  You can know God by agreeing with Him about the following truths:




"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”  

Romans 3:23


The Scripture tells us that everyone sins: good people, people you admire, even people who help people. We sin because we are sinners. Adam and Eve sinned, and we as their descendants, have inherited their nature. We need help. We cannot stop sinning by ourselves. God knows this and has made a way to deal with our never-ending sin problem.




"God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Romans 5:8                


Jesus Christ, God's Son, provided the only way for us to have peace with God. Jesus is sinless, because He is God. He died on the cross for our sins. God accepted what His Son did on our behalf. A pure and holy sacrifice was made for a sinful and needy mankind. Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man’s sin.




"To all who received Him, to those who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God." 

1 John 1: 12


We receive Jesus Christ by faith into our hearts when we:

  • Admit we are sinners.

  • Are sorry for our sins and desire to change our way of life.

  • Believe we have forgiveness because Jesus paid the debt of our sin with His own blood. The Father loves, accepts, and forgives us because of Jesus.




"God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe In the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you Have eternal life.” 

1 John 5:11-13


Thank God that his son Jesus Christ can be part of your life. He will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5). You can now have eternal life and an eternal home in Heaven. You can have this not because you are good or deserving, but because Jesus made a way by laying down His life for you, that you may have everlasting life in Him!


By praying the simple prayer of salvation written below, you can be saved.

Image by Aaron Owens
prayer of sal

a prayer of salvation

Dear Jesus,


I thank you that you lived, died and rose again so that I might be free from sin, shame and brokenness. Lord I pray that you would forgive me of my sin, and help me to live in the strength of your sacrifice for me.


Today I want to receive you as my personal Lord and Saviour. By faith, I give you my life from this day onward and will serve you with all my heart, with my entire mind, with all my strength now and forever.


Thank you Lord Jesus for welcoming me into the family of God and granting me eternal life in Heaven.


I pray all these things in Jesus’ name.



If you prayed this prayer sincerely from your heart, the Bible says that you are saved and you have begun the process of discipleship to Jesus. You need no longer be afraid of your eternal destination – you have been invited into the family of God and you are secure in Jesus!

connect with pastr

connect with a pastor

It would be our pleasure and privilege to get to know you, and help you along in your new faith journey. We often say here at SPC, that you faith was never meant to be practiced alone, and we believe in healthy relationships and mentorship as each of us live out a life in progress with Jesus.


Scott Burton
lead pastor


Victor Garcia
youth & jr.high pastor


Lori Attack
kids&connections pastor



community is key

Our faith was never meant to be experienced alone. From the beginning of scripture God makes it clear that we are at our best when we are in relationship.

One important thing to develop in our faith are God focused relationships. While we hope and desire that you would feel included and welcome each and every Sunday morning, we offer more than just Sunday's to help build those relationships.

Throughout the week our church meets in smaller groups called Life Groups. These groups vary from age and stage of life, languages, and topics being studied. While each of our groups is unique, what remains consistent is the collective heart to grow, and to help one another grow in our faith.


you were made for a purpose

Lastly, we believe that each if us were made for a purpose. Scripture tells us that those who belong to Christ have become a living sacrifice. We don't want to just be recipients of the goodness of God, but we want to be active in showing the goodness of God. A core pillar to our development and faith is learning to love, serve, and give.

Here at SPC there are several ways that we aim to live full of purpose. We want to partner in community events, help you get involved in the life of the church.

Learn About Our Community Events

resources to help us grow


start with scripture

The Bible is our governing document. Scripture has been the guide of hundreds of generations of Jesus followers.

The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the written revelation of God’s character and saving purposes for humanity and for all creation. It's God’s revelation, the entire Bible is true and trustworthy, and is the final and absolute authority for belief and conduct. The Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible enables its interpretation and application.

That being said, when we beginning our journey of faith it's important to be reading an accessible translation for modern readers, and secondly we begin in the New Testament. Our recommendation is that you begin with the NLT Bible Translation, and that the first book of the Bible to start with would be the Gospel of John.


the local church is here for you

One of the primary and core functions of a local church is to help you grow and develop in your faith. Each week our church gathers to worship, grow in relationship, but most importantly to learn from and understand the word of God.

Getting plugged into a weekly Sunday service is a great way to receive consistent Bible teaching alongside a community of people who are there to help you grow in your faith, and understanding of the word of God


great christian authors

Another incredible resource are some the the great christian thinkers who have penned their thoughts and study to paper (or kindle). Sometimes it can be the unique take, the insightful comment, or the wisdom of a mature believer that can help active and switched the lightbulb on as we continue to grow in the things of God. While there are several great authors and thinkers, here are a few that we recommend you check out!


grow on the go

Last but not least, we recommend some great podcast to help you grow on the commute home, while on the treadmill, or walking the dog. There are several incredible resources available via podcast services.

From lectures to conversational styles, here are some that we recommend.

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