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this year's missions goal

This graph is updates monthly | Update as of Nov 4th 2024


$44,530 / $42,000

this years guest speakers

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Jeff Kelly
M I S S I O N   G L O B A L

Global Worker
S E R V I N G   I N   C U B A

Peter & Pat Dewit
S E R V I N G   I N  T H A I L A N D

our heart for missions giving

Scripture makes clear to us that our faith is not just about our own backyard but participating in a global movement to reach everyone with the message of the Gospel. We are proud and excited to have a slate of Global Workers who we partner with in two key areas. As a church we have made a commitment to financially support, and to prayerfully support our Global Workers as they have responded to the call, and courageously stepped onto the mission field.


Our Missions philosophy is simple, and it echos the words of Jesus in Acts 1 "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


Jesus lays out for us 4 concentric circles of responsibility for the early church, and so as we desire to come under the alignment of scripture we have selected missions partners who we feel help us represent the Gospel in each of these categories.


meet our global workers

have questions? contact us here.

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